Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

As we know that every computer application has keyboard shortcuts, including Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel has several shortcuts that can make your work faster. And here are some keyboard shortcuts on Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel Shortcuts keyboard

Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keyboard :

  • CTRL + N
  • Create a new blank workbook
  • CTRL + O
  • Open an existing file
  • CTRL + W
  • Close the selected workbook
  • CTRL + P
  • Print the current workbook
  • CTRL + S
  • Save the active workbook
  • CTRL + C
  • Copy the selected cells
  • CTRL + X
  • Cut the selected cells
  • CTRL + V
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard
  • CTRL + F or H
  • Open find or replace text
  • CTRL + B
  • Applay or remove Bold
  • CTRL + U
  • Applay or remove underline
  • CTRL + I
  • Applay or remove Italic
  • CTRL + A
  • Selected all the entire worksheet
  • CTRL + 1
  • Display format cells dialog box
  • CTRL + Z
  • Undo the last action
  • CTRL + Y
  • Redo the last action
  • CTRL + '
  • Display cell values or formulas
  • CTRL + Spcbr
  • Select entire row
  • CTRL + +
  • Display insert dialog box
  • CTRL + Shift + $
  • Apply currency format
  • CTRL + Shift + %
  • Apply percentage format
  • CTRL + End
  • Move to the last cell with content
  • CTRL + Home
  • Move to beginning of worksheet
  • CTRL + F1
  • Hide or show the ribbon
  • Alt + =
  • Insert the auto sum formula
  • F7
  • Open spellcheck
  • F12
  • Open the save as dialog box
  • F5 or Ctrl + G
  • Display go to dialog box
  • Tab
  • Move one cell to the right
  • Shift + Tab
  • Move one cell to the left
  • Esc
  • Cancel entry in a cell of formula
  • Shift + F11
  • Insert a new worksheet
  • F1
  • Display help window
  • F2
  • Edit the active cell
  • Shift + F3
  • Display insert function dialog box
  • Arrow keys
  • Move one cell at a time
  • F11
  • Create chart from selected data
  • Delete
  • Remove selected cell contents
  • Enter
  • Complete a cell entry and selected the cell below
  • Home
  • Move to beginning of a row
  • Page Down
  • Move one screen down
  • Page Up
  • Move one screen up
Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Excel to make your work faster.

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