Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Chrome keyboard shortcuts everyone should know

The easiest way to boost your Job productivity is to start using keyboard shortcuts for common tasks. Here are the most useful and important keyboard shortcuts to know in Chrome.

chrome keyboard shortcuts

Tab and window shortcuts

Open a new window = Ctrl + n
Open a new window in Incognito mode = Ctrl + Shift + n
Open a new tab, and jump to it = Ctrl + t
Reopen the last closed tab, and jump to it = Ctrl + Shift + t
Jump to the next open tab = Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
Jump to the previous open tab = Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp
Jump to a specific tab = Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
Jump to the last tab = Ctrl + 9
Open your home page in the current tab = Alt + Home
Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab = Alt + Left arrow
Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab = Alt + Right arrow
Close the current tab = Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4
Close the current window = Ctrl + Shift + w
Minimize the current window = Alt + Space + n
Maximize the current window = Alt + Space + x
Close the current window = Alt + F4
Quit Google Chrome = Ctrl + Shift + q

Google Chrome feature shortcuts

Open the Chrome menu = Alt + f or Alt + e or F10 + Enter
Show or hide the Bookmarks bar = Ctrl + Shift + b
Open the Bookmarks Manager = Ctrl + Shift + o
Open the History page in a new tab = Ctrl + h
Open the Downloads page in a new tab = Ctrl + j
Open the Chrome Task Manager = Shift + Esc
Set focus on the first item in the Chrome toolbar = Shift + Alt + t
Set focus on the last item in the Chrome toolbar = F10
Switch focus to unfocused dialog (if showing) = F6
Open the Find Bar to search the current page = Ctrl + f or F3
Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search = Ctrl + g
Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search = Ctrl + Shift + g
Open Developer Tools = Ctrl + Shift + j or F12
Open the Clear Browsing Data options = Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Open the Chrome Help Center in a new tab = F1
Log in a different user or browse as a Guest = Ctrl + Shift + m
Open a feedback form = Alt + Shift + i

Address bar shortcuts

Search with your default search engine = Type a search term + Enter
Search using a different search engine = Type a search engine name and press Tab
Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab = Type a site name + Ctrl + Enter
Open a new tab and perform a Google search = Type a search term + Alt + Enter
Jump to the address bar = Ctrl + l or Alt + d or F6
Search from anywhere on the page = Ctrl + k or Ctrl + e
Remove predictions from your address bar = Down arrow to highlight + Shift + Delete

Webpage shortcuts

Open options to print the current page = Ctrl + p
Open options to save the current page = Ctrl + s
Reload the current page = F5 or Ctrl + r
Reload the current page, ignoring cached content = Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + r
Stop the page loading = Esc
Browse clickable items moving forward = Tab
Browse clickable items moving backward = Shift + Tab
Open a file from your computer in Chrome = Ctrl + o + Select a file
Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page = Ctrl + u
Save your current webpage as a bookmark = Ctrl + d
Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder = Ctrl + Shift + d
Turn full-screen mode on or off = F11
Make everything on the page bigger = Ctrl and +
Make everything on the page smaller = Ctrl and -
Return everything on the page to default size = Ctrl + 0
Scroll down a webpage, a screen at a time = Space or PgDn
Scroll up a webpage, a screen at a time = Shift + Space or PgUp
Go to the top of the page = Home
Go to the bottom of the page = End
Scroll horizontally on the page = Shift + Scroll your mousewheel
Move your cursor to the front of the previous word in a text field = Ctrl + Left arrow
Move your cursor to the back of the next word in a text field = Ctrl + Right arrow
Delete the previous word in a text field = Ctrl + Backspace
Open the Home page in the current tab = Alt + Home

Mouse shortcuts

Open a link in a current tab (mouse only) = Drag a link to a tab
Open a link in new background tab = Ctrl + Click a link
Open a link, and jump to it = Ctrl + Shift + Click a link
Open a link, and jump to it (mouse only) = Drag a link to a blank area of the tab strip
Open a link in a new window = Shift + Click a link
Open a tab in a new window (mouse only) = Drag the tab out of the tab strip
Move a tab to a current window (mouse only) = Drag the tab into an existing window
Return a tab to its original position = Press Esc while dragging
Save the current webpage as a bookmark = Drag the web address to the Bookmarks Bar
Download the target of a link = Alt + Click a link
Display your browsing history = Right-click Back Back or click & hold Back Back or Right-click Next Next or click & hold Next Next
Switch between maximized and windowed modes = Double-click a blank area of the tab strip
Make everything on the page bigger = Ctrl + Scroll your mousewheel up
Make everything on the page smaller = Ctrl + Scroll your mousewheel down

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