Sunday, December 30, 2018

Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are the most useful and important keyboard shortcuts to know in Photoshop

Photoshop Shortcuts Keys

Photoshop Tools Shortcuts

  • V = Move Tool
  • M = Rectangular marque tool / Eliptical marque tool
  • L = Lasso tool / Polygonal lasso tool / Magnetic lasso tool
  • W = Magic wand tool / Quick selection tool
  • C = Corp tool / Slice tool / Slice select tool
  • I = Eyedropper tool / Color sample tool / Ruler tool / Note tool / Count tool
  • J = Spot healing Brush tool / Healing brush tool / Patch tool / Red eye tool
  • B = Brush Tool / Pencil tool / Color Replacement Tool / Mixer brush tool
  • S = Clone stamp Tool / Pattern stamp Tool
  • Y = History Brush Tool / Art history brush tool
  • E = Eraser Tool / Background eraser tool / Magic eraser tool
  • Q = Gradient Tool / Paint Bucket Tool
  • O = Dodge Tool / Burn Tool / Sponge Tool
  • P = Pen Tool / Freeform Pen tool
  • T = Horizontal type tool / Vertical type tool / Horizontal type mask Tool / Vertical type mask tool
  • A = Path selection Tool / Direct selection tool
  • U = Rectangle Tool / Rounded Rectangle Tool / Ellipse tool / Polygon tool / Line tool / Custom shape tool
  • K = 3D Object Rotate Tool / 3D Object Roll Tool / 3D Object Pan Tool / 3D Object 3D Object Slide Tool / 3D Object Scale tool
  • N = 3D Camera Rotate Tool / 3D Camera Rool Tool / 3D Camera Pan Tool / 3D Camera walk Tool / 3D Camera zoom
  • H = Hand Tool
  • Z = Zoom Tool

  • Image Commands Shortcuts

    • Adjusment
    • CTRL + L = Levels
      CTRL + U = Hue / Saturation
      CTRL + B = Color Balance
      ALT + Shift + CTRL + B = Black and White
      CTRL + I = Invert
      Shift + CTRL + U
    • Shift + CTRL + L = Auto Tone
    • Alt + Shift + CTRL + L = Auto contras
    • Shift + CTRL + B = Auto Color
    • Alt + CTRL + I = Image Size
    • ALT + CTRL + C = Canvas Size

    Layer Commands Shortcuts

    • New
    • Shift + CTRL + N = New Layer
      CTRL + J = New Layer via Copy
      Shift + CTRl + J = New Layer Via Cut
    • ALT + CTRL + G = Create / Release Cliping Mask
    • CTRL + G = Group Layers
    • Shift + CTRL + G = Ungroup Layers
    • Arrange
    • Shift + CTRL + ] = Bring to Front
      CTRL + ] = Bring Forward
      CTRL + [ = Send Backward
      Shift + CTRL + [ = Sand To Back
    • CTRL + E = Marge Layer
    • Shift + CTRL + E = Marge Visible

    View Commands Shortcuts

    • CTRL + Y = Proof Colors
    • Shift + CTRl + Y = Gamut Warning
    • CTRl + + = Zoom in
    • CTRL + - = Zoom out
    • CTRL + 0 = Fit on Screen
    • CTRL + 1 or ALT + CTRL + 0 = 100%
    • CTRL + H = Extras
    • Show
    • Shift + CTRl + H = Target Path
      CTRl + ' = Grid
      CTRL + : = Guides
    • CTRL + R = Rulers
    • Shift + CTRL + ; = Snap
    • ALT + CTRL + ; = Lock Guides

    Select Commands Shortcuts

  • CTRL + A = Select all
  • CTRL + D = Deselect
  • Shift + CTRL + D = Reselect
  • Shift + CTRL + I ot Shift + F7 = Inverse
  • ALT + CTRL + A = All Layers
  • ALT + Shift + CTRL + F = Find Layers
  • ALT + CTRL + R = Refine Edge
  • Shift + F6 = Modify Feather

  • Filter Commands Shortcuts

  • CTRl + F = Last filter
  • Shift + CTRL + A = Camera Raw Filter
  • Shift + CTRL + R = Lens Correction
  • Shift + CTRL + X = Liquify
  • ALT + CTRL + V = Finishing Point
  • Thursday, December 27, 2018

    Outlook keyboard Shortcuts

    Outlook shortcut keyboard

    The most useful and important keyboard shortcuts to know in Microsoft Outlook.
    • CTRL + 1
    • Go to Mail
    • CTRL + 2
    • Go to Calender
    • CTRL + 3
    • Go to Contacts
    • CTRL + 4
    • Go to Tasks
    • CTRL + 5
    • Go to Notes
    • CTRL + 6
    • Go to Folder List
    • CTRL + 7
    • Go to Shortcuts
    • CTRL + 8
    • Go to Journal
    • CTRL + A
    • Select All
    • CTRL + B
    • Bold when editing a rich text message
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy selected text
    • CTRL + D
    • Delete selected Item/ text etc.
    • CTRL + E
    • Active the find drop down menu or Center align when editing a text message
    • CTRL + F
    • Forward
    • CTRL + J
    • Open a new jurnal entry from the selected item (message, task, contact, etc)
    • CTRL + K
    • Check names in the To, CC or BBC field against the address book (Cursor must be in the corresponding message header field)
    • CTRL + M
    • Send or Receive all
    • CTRL + O
    • Open
    • CTRL + P
    • Print
    • CTRL + Q
    • Mark the selected message read
    • CTRL + R
    • Replay message
    • CTRL + S
    • Save a draft message
    • CTRL + T
    • Tab
    • CTRL + U
    • Apply underline to the selected message
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected text
    • CTRL + Y
    • Go to Folder
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo the last action
    • F1 = Open Outlook help
    • F3 = Active the find toolbar
    • F4 = Open the find windows
    • F7 = Spellcheck
    • F9 = Send or receive all
    • F10 = Select file from the outlook toolbar button
    • F12 = Open save as dialog box
    • Shift + Tab = Select the previous message header button or field
    • Ctrl + Backspace = Delete the previous word
    • Ctrl + End = Move pointer to the end of text
    • CTRL + Home = Move pointer to the beginning of text
    • Ctrl + Shift + A = Open a new appointment
    • Ctrl + Shift + B = Open the address book
    • Ctrl + Shift + C = Create a new contact
    • Ctrl + Shift + E = Open a new folder
    • Ctrl + Shift + F = Open the advanced find window
    • Ctrl + Shift + G = Flag message for follow up
    • Ctrl + Shift + J = Open a new journal entry
    • Ctrl + Shift + K = Open a new task
    • Ctrl + Shift + L = Open a new distribution list
    • Ctrl + Shift + M = OPen a new message
    • Ctrl + Shift + N = Open a new note
    • Ctrl + Shift + O = Switch to the outbox
    • Ctrl + Shift + P = Open the new search folder window
    • Ctrl + Shift + Q = Open a new meeting request
    • Ctrl + Shift + R = Replay all
    • Ctrl + Shift + S = Open a new discussion
    • Ctrl + Shift + U = Open a new task request
    • Ctrl + Shift + Y = Copy a Folder
    • Alt + . = Open the address book with the To field selected
    • Alt + A = Open the action drop down menu
    • Alt + B = Open the address book with the BBC field selected
    • Alt + C = Select message recipient for CC field
    • Alt + D = Switch to daily calendar view
    • Alt + E = Open the edit drop down menu
    • Alt + F = Open the file drop down menu
    • Alt + G = Open the Go drop down menu
    • Alt + H = Open the help drop down menu
    • Alt + I = Open the find tool bar / Open the Insert drop down menu
    • Alt + J = Move to the subject field
    • Alt + K = Check names in the To, CC, field against the address book (cursor must be in the corresponding message header field
    • Alt + L = Replay All
    • Alt + M = Switch to monthly calendar view
    • Alt + N = Open the account drop down menu
    • Alt + O = Open the formatted drop down menu or switch to today calendar view
    • Alt + P = Open the message options dialog box
    • Alt + R = Replay / Switch to work week calendar view
    • Alt + S = Send
    • Alt + T = Open the tools drop down menu
    • Alt + V = Open the view drop down menu
    • Alt + W = Forward an item / switch to weekly calendar view
    • Alt + Y = Switch to Daily calendar view

    Sunday, December 23, 2018

    Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

    Here are some commonly used Windows 10 shortcuts and you should know
    windows 10 shortcuts keys

    Windows 10 Shortcuts Keys:

    • CTRL + A
    • Select all item in window
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected item to clipboard
    • CTRL + N
    • Open new window
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste content from clipboard
    • CTRL + W
    • Close window
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected item
    • CTRL + Y
    • Redo the last action
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo last action
    • CTRL + Tab
    • Move forward through tab
    • CTRL + Shift + N
    • Create New Folder
    • Shift + Arrow
    • Select more than one item
    • Shift + Delete
    • Deleted selected item without moving it to the recycle bin first
    • F2
    • Rename the selected item
    • F5
    • Refresh the active window
    • F6
    • Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
    • Alt + F4
    • Close the active item or App
    • Alt + Enter
    • Display properties for selected item
    • Alt + Print Screen
    • Copy current window screen
    • Alt + Tab
    • Switch between open apps
    • Window
    • Open or close start menu
    • Window + D
    • Display and hide the desktop
    • Window + E
    • Open file explorer
    • Window + F or F3
    • Search for a file or folder in file explorer
    • Window + H
    • Open the share sidebar
    • Window + L
    • Lock your computer or switch user
    • Window + M
    • Minimize all windows
    • Window + S
    • Open search
    • Window + T
    • Cycle through apps on taskbar
    • Window + U
    • Open Ease of Access Center
    • Window + [Number]
    • Open app pinned in [Number] position on the taskbar
    • Window + Up/Down Arrow
    • Maximize or Minimize the window
    • Window + Shift + M
    • Restore minimize window
    • Window + +[Plus]
    • Open Magnifier
    • Window + Esc
    • Edit Magnifier
    • Window + Tab
    • Open task view
    • Window + Pause
    • Display system properties box
    • Esc
    • Cancel the current task
    • Print Screen
    • Copy current screen to clipboard

    Friday, December 21, 2018

    Publisher Keyboard Shortcuts

    here are some keyboard shortcuts when working using Microsoft Powerpoint.
    publisher shortcuts key

    Microsoft Publisher Shortcuts Keyboard :

    • CTRL + N
    • Create a new blank Publication
    • CTRL + O
    • Open an existing Publication
    • CTRL + W
    • Close the current Publication
    • CTRL + P
    • Print the current Publication
    • CTRL + S
    • Save the active Publication
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected text or object
    • CTRL + Shift + C
    • Copy formatting of selected text
    • CTRL + Shift + V
    • Apply copied formatting or selected text
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected text or object
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard
    • CTRL + F or H
    • Open find or replace text
    • CTRL + B
    • Applay or remove Bold
    • CTRL + U
    • Applay or remove underline
    • CTRL + I
    • Applay or remove Italic
    • CTRL + A
    • Selected all text or object
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo the last action
    • CTRL + Y
    • Redo the last action
    • CTRL + R
    • Right align text
    • CTRL + L
    • Left align text
    • CTRL + J
    • Justify align text
    • CTRL + E
    • Center align text
    • CTRL + Shift + Y
    • Turn special character on / off
    • CTRL + Shift + F
    • Change font attributes of text
    • CTRL + Shift + <
    • Decrease the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + Shift + >
    • Increase the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + Right Arrow key
    • Move one word to the right in a text box
    • CTRL + Left Arrow key
    • Move one word to the left in a text box
    • CTRL + Shift + G
    • Group or ungroup Object
    • F5 or Ctrl G
    • Display go to dialog box
    • CTRL + Shift + N
    • Insert blank page
    • CTRL + Shift + U
    • Insert duplicate page after selected page
    • Ctrl + Shift + [
    • Decrease spacing between letters
    • Ctrl + Shift + ]
    • Increase spacing between letters
    • Alt + Shift + P
    • Insert current page number in a text box
    • Arrow keys
    • Nudge selected object
    • Alt + F6
    • Bring object to font
    • Alt + Shift + F6
    • Send object to back
    • Alt + mouse drag
    • Duplicate the selected object
    • F9
    • Switch between current view and actual size
    • Ctrl + F1
    • Hide or show the ribbon
    Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Publisher that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Publisher to make your work faster.

    Microsoft Powerpoint Keyboard Shortcuts

    In the previous post I discussed a number of shortcuts from Microsoft such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access, so in this post it's time to discuss about Microsoft Powerpoint shortcuts. Microsoft Powerpoint is often used to present a produck or an idea.

    When working using Microsoft Powerpoint we need to know the shortcut so that the work can be faster here are some keyboard shortcuts when working using Microsoft Powerpoint.

    Powerpoint shortcuts key

    Microsoft Powerpoint Shortcuts Keyboard :

    • CTRL + N
    • Create a new blank presentation
    • CTRL + O
    • Open an existing presentation
    • CTRL + W
    • Close the current presentation
    • CTRL + P
    • Print slides presentation
    • CTRL + S
    • Save the active presentation
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected text or object
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected text or object
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard
    • CTRL + F or H
    • Open find or replace text
    • CTRL + B
    • Applay or remove Bold
    • CTRL + U
    • Applay or remove underline
    • CTRL + I
    • Applay or remove Italic
    • CTRL + A
    • Selected all text or object
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo the last action
    • CTRL + Y
    • Redo the last action
    • CTRL + R
    • Right align text
    • CTRL + L
    • Left align text
    • CTRL + J
    • Justify align text
    • CTRL + E
    • Center align text
    • CTRL + M
    • Add a new slide
    • CTRL + Shift + <
    • Decrease the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + Shift + >
    • Increase the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + K
    • Insert a hyperlink
    • CTRL + Shift + G
    • Group Object
    • CTRL + Shift + H
    • Ungroup Object
    • Shift+ F7
    • Open the thesaurus dialog box
    • F7
    • Open the spellcheck
    • F12
    • Open the save as dialog box
    • Shift + F5
    • Start slide show from current slide
    • F5
    • Start slide show from first slide
    • Shift + F3
    • Change casee of text
    • Ctrl + F1
    • Hide or show the ribbon
    • Spacebar or N
    • Advance to next slide 
    • Esc or Hyphen
    • End the slide show
    • Shift + Arrow keys left / right
    • Select one character to the left or right
    • Enter
    • Perform Next Animation
    • P
    • Go back to previous slide
    • Alt + U
    • Mute sound
    • W
    • Display a white slide
    • B
    • Display a black slide
    • Backspace
    • Return to previous slide
    Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Powerpoint that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Powerpoint to make your work faster.

    Thursday, December 20, 2018

    Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

    As we know that every computer application has keyboard shortcuts, including Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word has several shortcuts that can make your work faster. And here are some keyboard shortcuts on Microsoft Word.

    microsoft word shortcuts keyboard

    Microsoft Word Shortcuts Keyboard :

    • CTRL + N
    • Create a new blank document
    • CTRL + O
    • Open an existing document
    • CTRL + W
    • Close the selected document
    • CTRL + P
    • Print the current document
    • CTRL + S
    • Save the active document
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected text or object
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected text or object
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard
    • CTRL + F or H
    • Open find or replace text
    • CTRL + B
    • Applay or remove Bold
    • CTRL + U
    • Applay or remove underline
    • CTRL + I
    • Applay or remove Italic
    • CTRL + A
    • Selected all text or object
    • CTRL + 1
    • Apply single line spacing
    • CTRL + 2
    • Apply double line spacing
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo the last action
    • CTRL + Y
    • Redo the last action
    • CTRL + R
    • Right align text
    • CTRL + L
    • Left align text
    • CTRL + J
    • Justify align text
    • CTRL + E
    • Center align text
    • CTRL + K
    • Insert Hyperlink
    • CTRL + Enter
    • Insert a page break
    • CTRL + Shift + C
    • Copy formatting or selected text
    • CTRL + Shift + V
    • Apply copied formatting to selected text
    • CTRL + Shift +
    • Decrease the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + Shift + >
    • Increase the font size of selected text
    • CTRL + Home
    • Move pointer to the beginning of a text
    • CTRL + End
    • Move pointer to the end of a text
    • CTRL + F1
    • Hide or show the ribbon
    • Shift+ F7
    • Open the thesaurus dialog box
    • F7
    • Open the spellcheck
    • F12
    • Open the save as dialog box
    • Shift + Enter
    • Insert a line break
    • F5 or Ctrl + G
    • Display go to dialog Box
    • Home
    • Jump to begging of line
    • End
    • Jump to end of line
    • Insert
    • Turn on or Of Overtype
    • F1
    • Display help window
    • Shift + Arrow keys left / right
    • Select one character to the left or right
    • Shift + Arrow keys Up / down
    • Select text one line up or down
    • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key left or right
    • Select one word to the left or right
    • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key up or down
    • Select one paragraph up or down
    • Delete
    • Remove one character to the right
    • Enter
    • Insert one space down
    • Backspace
    • Remove one character to the left
    Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Word to make your work faster.

    Wednesday, December 19, 2018

    Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

    As we know that every computer application has keyboard shortcuts, including Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel has several shortcuts that can make your work faster. And here are some keyboard shortcuts on Microsoft Excel.

    Microsoft Excel Shortcuts keyboard

    Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keyboard :

    • CTRL + N
    • Create a new blank workbook
    • CTRL + O
    • Open an existing file
    • CTRL + W
    • Close the selected workbook
    • CTRL + P
    • Print the current workbook
    • CTRL + S
    • Save the active workbook
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected cells
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected cells
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard
    • CTRL + F or H
    • Open find or replace text
    • CTRL + B
    • Applay or remove Bold
    • CTRL + U
    • Applay or remove underline
    • CTRL + I
    • Applay or remove Italic
    • CTRL + A
    • Selected all the entire worksheet
    • CTRL + 1
    • Display format cells dialog box
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo the last action
    • CTRL + Y
    • Redo the last action
    • CTRL + '
    • Display cell values or formulas
    • CTRL + Spcbr
    • Select entire row
    • CTRL + +
    • Display insert dialog box
    • CTRL + Shift + $
    • Apply currency format
    • CTRL + Shift + %
    • Apply percentage format
    • CTRL + End
    • Move to the last cell with content
    • CTRL + Home
    • Move to beginning of worksheet
    • CTRL + F1
    • Hide or show the ribbon
    • Alt + =
    • Insert the auto sum formula
    • F7
    • Open spellcheck
    • F12
    • Open the save as dialog box
    • F5 or Ctrl + G
    • Display go to dialog box
    • Tab
    • Move one cell to the right
    • Shift + Tab
    • Move one cell to the left
    • Esc
    • Cancel entry in a cell of formula
    • Shift + F11
    • Insert a new worksheet
    • F1
    • Display help window
    • F2
    • Edit the active cell
    • Shift + F3
    • Display insert function dialog box
    • Arrow keys
    • Move one cell at a time
    • F11
    • Create chart from selected data
    • Delete
    • Remove selected cell contents
    • Enter
    • Complete a cell entry and selected the cell below
    • Home
    • Move to beginning of a row
    • Page Down
    • Move one screen down
    • Page Up
    • Move one screen up
    Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Excel to make your work faster.

    Tuesday, December 18, 2018

    Microsoft Access Keyboard Shortcuts

    As we know that every computer application has keyboard shortcuts, including microsoft access. Microsoft access has several shortcuts that can make your work faster. And here are some keyboard shortcuts on Microsoft Access.

    Microsoft Access Shortcuts Keyboard

    Microsoft Access Shortcuts Keyboard :

    • CTRL + N
    • Create a new database
    • CTRL + O
    • Open an existing database
    • CTRL + W
    • Close an open access object database
    • CTRL + P
    • Print the current or selected object database
    • CTRL + S
    • Save the database object
    • CTRL + C
    • Copy the selected control
    • CTRL + X
    • Cut the selected control
    • CTRL + V
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard
    • CTRL + F or H
    • Open find or replace text
    • CTRL + F2
    • Invoke an expression builder
    • CTRL + A
    • Selected all records
    • CTRL + Delete
    • Delete all characters to right of insertion point
    • CTRL + Z
    • Undo typing
    • CTRL + ;
    • Insert current data into a field in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + Shift + :
    • Insert current time into a field in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + Alt + Space
    • Insert default value in a field in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + +
    • Add a new record in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + -
    • Delete current record in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + End
    • Move to the last field in last record in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + Home
    • Move to the first field in first record in datasheet or form view
    • CTRL + F1
    • Hide or show the ribbon
    • Alt + F4
    • Close Microsoft Access
    • F7
    • Open spellcheck
    • F12
    • Open the save as dialog box
    • Alt + Enter or F4
    • Switch to the property sheet in design view
    • Tab
    • Move and select next field in a record
    • Shift + Tab
    • Move to previous field in a record
    • Esc
    • Undo changes in current field or record in a table or Form
    • Alt + F8
    • Invoke the field list pane in data access page
    • End
    • Move to the last field in current record in datasheet or form view
    Those are some of the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Access that you might be able to use when working with Microsoft Access to make your work faster.